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Jon Richter
Jun 21, 20203 min read
Book Review: Complete Darkness (by Matt Adcock)
Complete Darkness tells the story of Cleric20, a hedonistic tough guy who might be the only person able to save a post-apocalyptic London...

Jon Richter
Jun 14, 20204 min read
My Crazy Experience of a White Collar Boxing Match (and how it inspired my latest book)
When a work colleague suggested signing up for a match, it felt like a great opportunity to do something outside of my comfort zone...

Jon Richter
Jun 7, 20207 min read
Author Q&A: Michelle Morgan
This week I'm debuting... a Q&A with a fellow writer, in this case the infuriatingly talented Michelle Morgan...

Jon Richter
May 31, 20203 min read
Book Review: Perdition's Child (by Anne Coates)
My focus in this week’s post is Perdition’s Child, the fourth book in the Hannah Weybridge thriller series, written by Anne Coates...

Jon Richter
May 24, 20206 min read
What Cyberpunk 2077 Needs To Do To Be A True Genre Classic
For today’s blog post, I thought I’d talk about what Cyberpunk 2077 needs to do if it is to qualify as a true great...
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Jon Richter
May 11, 20203 min read
Book Review: The Last Gladiator (by Daniel Ottalini)
... unique setting: an alternate history, steampunk imagining of a Roman empire that never fell, complete with robotic mecha-gladiators!

Jon Richter
May 3, 20204 min read
Fantasy or Science Fiction? Special Guest Post By Don Hartshorn
...a debate that has been raging longer than the Battle of Winterfell: what exactly is the difference between fantasy and sci-fi??

Jon Richter
Apr 26, 202012 min read
Pathologic 2: The First Truly Literary Video Game?
Within a couple of hours, I realised that the game is incredible, and is also the best-written, most truly literary game I have ever played.
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Jon Richter
Apr 20, 20204 min read
Book Review: The Legacy Of Old Gran Parks (by Isobel Blackthorn)
I went into The Legacy Of Old Gran Parks completely blind, but after the blistering opening I knew I was in for a ghoulish thrill-ride!

Jon Richter
Apr 13, 202010 min read
What is Cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk is a sub-genre of science fiction that features advanced science and technology in an urban, dystopian future...

Jon Richter
Apr 6, 202010 min read
The Fishery - a short thriller about meth, malice, and mackerel
I keep my hand clamped tightly over my nose, but the stink still finds its way into my nostrils like an exploring tentacle.

Jon Richter
Mar 23, 202010 min read
Why I Can't Wait For Elden Ring, And Why From Software Are Making The World's Best Video Games
The Soulsborne games are certain to go down as revered cornerstones of the video gaming medium in years to come.

Jon Richter
Mar 9, 20209 min read
5 Horror Masterpieces That Have Influenced My Writing
I’m going to launch into five dark works (encompassing books, movies and video games) that have made a huge impact on me…

Jon Richter
Feb 3, 20202 min read
Update! Plans for the website and the blog
Hi everybody!
I’m really pleased to start the week with a couple of announcements.
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Jon Richter
Jan 27, 20206 min read
Become The Hero: why I loved the Fighting Fantasy 'choose your own adventure' books
I remember being unsettled by the description of my gruesome demise in the dead of night, at the hands (and claws, and tentacles) of...

Jon Richter
Jan 13, 20207 min read
A Righteous Avenger: the five best Jack Reacher thrillers
When I saw the bloody footprints on the front cover of Killing Floor, the very first Jack Reacher novel, I immediately grabbed it.

Jon Richter
Nov 29, 20193 min read
Why Short Stories Are Great... For Readers And For Writers!
Given that a lot of people do much of their reading on the commute to and from work, the short story format is absolutely perfect...

Jon Richter
Nov 1, 20191 min read
Jon Richter's Disturbing Works (Volume Two) - my new short horror collection
I'm very proud, excited and nervous to announce the release of my latest book: Jon Richter's Disturbing Works (Volume Two)!

Jon Richter
Oct 4, 20193 min read
Scared Of The Rings: The daunting prospect of tackling the fantasy genre
If fantasy stories don't all have to contain armour-plated knights and fire-breathing dragons, then what does 'fantasy' even mean?

Jon Richter
Sep 21, 20191 min read
Disturbing Works Volume Two: another collection of short, dark tales with a twist
In today's post, I'm thrilled to reveal the front cover of my latest project: Disturbing Works (Volume Two)!
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