In today's post, I'm thrilled to reveal the front cover of my latest project: Disturbing Works (Volume Two)!
This second collection of twisted tales has been in the Works for the past couple of years, so I'm really pleased to unleash it in the coming weeks.
My short dark stories have been described as 'Black Mirror meets Tales Of The Unexpected', which is just about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. They bring you dystopian worlds, unsettling characters and, most importantly, shocking twists...
My endless thanks go to Gina Dickerson at RoseWolf Design for this creepy, crawly, wriggling, writhing design:

Those who are keeping tabs on my macabre projects may remember that my science fiction thriller, Auxiliary, was previously announced as my next release; don't worry, it's still on the way, but will now be clanking and clattering its way into the world in mid-2020.
Disturbing Works (Volume Two) will be available for your Kindle or other eReader device very soon, so watch this space for more information on the release date.
Finally, a huge thank you to everyone for your continued support.
Until next time,